Stark has been living up to his name, with a series of starkly minimalist watches for Fossil. Fossil are trying to shake off their image of overcomplicated, cheap, baroque looking watches.
This one is not too bad – a simple analog watch face with digital hands, it doesnt look like its trying too hard to be minimalist.
View the whole list: unreadable minimalist watches
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Sundials | 12 portable record players | 12 prefab ships | 12 primitive b movie style robots | 12 real escape pods | 12 real life cutaway cars | 12 real life glove boxes | 12 real life jenga buildings | 12 Retro Flight Simulators | 12 Retro kitchens of the future | 12 robotic car parks | 12 rockin guitar hero mods | 12 rooms in a box | 12 Safety Coffins | 12 satellites on the ground | 12 seized weapons caches | 12 sexist vintage ads | 12 ships with impossibly large cargo | 12 smoke hoods | 12 Soviet Bloc Computers | 12 space inflatables | 12 Space Rocket Launch Videos | 12 spectacular erections | 12 steampunk stirling engines (videos) | 12 strange tanks and armored vehicles | 12 times times square over time | 12 tiny Indian school buses | 12 tourbillon watches | 12 Types of Crash Test Dummy | 12 ultra complex surface analysis systems | 12 unbelievably filthy apartments | 12 unrecognizable before and after views of cities | 12 unusual cameras | 12 upside down houses | 12 US Presidential birthplaces | 12 very disturbing paintball teams | 12 vicious vintage dental tools | 12 videos of ships being launched | 12 videos of spiderman climbing real skyscrapers | 12 videos of welding machines | 12 vintage printing presses | 12 vintage walkmans | 12 wild west ghost towns | 12 wonderful water slides | 12 worst iPhone case designs | 12 Yves Behar Designs | 13 disgusting pepsi flavors | 14 cameras that look just like guns | 14 other examples of book burning | 15 abandoned theaters | 15 aircraft with lots of wings | 15 architects 15 chairs | 15 Blade Runner Buildings | 15 dieter rams classics | 15 Dr Kellog Contraptions | 15 Founding Father Invention Myths | 15 giant transporters | 15 high speed trains | 15 housing projects from hell | 15 human cocoons | 15 images of not so secret secret service buildings | 15 knockoff gadgets | 15 monstrous harvesters | 15 odd pods | 15 of the worst american foods | 15 Papua New Guinean superhero war shields | 15 payphones from around the world | 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snowplows | 20 unusual tractor designs | 2007 countdown clocks | 3 forth bridge demos | 3d printed products | 8 Classic Nakamichi Cassette Decks | 8 extreme truck load videos | 8 inflatable military decoys | 8 inflatable shelters | 8 moving houses videos | 8 pointless uses of carbon fiber | 8 Sky Hooks | 8 super skinny buildings | 9 bathing machines | 9 depressing views of famous monuments | 9 diabolical teamaking contraptions | 9 diving bells | 9 early remote controls | 9 ghost towns of the recession | 9 good for you ads | 9 mine diagrams | 9 nail houses | 9 non submarine periscopes | 9 permanent temporary structures | 9 real wireframe models | 9 reasons why the highline sucks | 9 retro bomb shelters | 9 Roger Tallon Designs | 9 ronco gadgets | 9 screw drivers | 9 secure phones | 9 Strange Edison Inventions | 9 utopian architectural projects | 9 Vintage Monorails | 9 vintage x ray machines | a dozen vintage spy radios | a visual history of video recorders | abandoned pools | abandoned 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