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Start or stop Music, You just put Your Tongue Out

March 9th, 2009 link to (permalink)

"A wink, a smile or a raised eyebrow could change your music on your iPod or start up the washing machine."

One Response to “Start or stop Music, You just put Your Tongue Out”

  1. Christy Says:

    The thing about electronics that concerns me, is all the more electrical waves jousting through everyones body.
    If you’re able to navigate through your Ipod by a flick of the tongue, you KNOW the waves have got to be a bit more embedded into your system that just the regular telephone and radio signals.
    The thing with the currents is… I have a hunch that is causes cancer.

    Other than that, I think it’s a very cute, innovative alternative to pushing a button! 😀

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