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Is information visualization the next frontier for design?

May 6th, 2009 link to (permalink)

Fast Company published a (very) introductory article on the emerging field of "information visualization," an offshoot of graphic design devoted to the clear display of complex information.

One Response to “Is information visualization the next frontier for design?”

  1. Gilmara Says:

    I worked in the Walled City betewen 1979 and 1985 and at the time did not quite appreciate what a privilege it was. My husband and I were working with the Salvation Army, he with Refugees, and I worked along with the Local Kiwanis Club to maintain a kindergarten for 110 children. We had to raise funds through sponsorship, and part of my job was to take private tours into the kindergarten. We never had to request money, after they saw what a hell-hole it was the cheque books came out willingly.In around 1995 my husband felt that for Hong Kong to have such a blight in such an amazingly sophisticated city was not acceptable, so he made a documentary with a film crew from Gateway films in London, and premiered it in the Sheraton Hotel Ball room, inviting members of the Government, journalists and philanthropists alike. They were totally amazed, some of the journalists were not even aware of its existence, and it piqued the interest of one particular TV journalist (name forgotten).She asked the question, Who owns the Walled City? and it was shown in 3 minute segments over a week after the news.At this time the talks betewen China, England and Hong Kong were setting the hand over in motion, and the subject of the Walled City was discussed as a priority, and we received a call from the Legistlative Counciller (again, forgotten his name) to tell us that it had been decided to resettle all inhabitants and make it into a park for the people.I have many memories and stories about this place, and thank God that I had the privilege to work there and to bring some light into some very dark places.A woman named Jackie Pullinger lived and worked in the Walled City for many years and now tours the world talking about her experiences there. She has written at least one book called Chasing the Dragon and it is well worth the read.

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