Vaccination – which is based upon the same principal as homeopathy (a small amount of a toxic substance that heals) but which has been proven to work not only through double blind trials but the eradication of some of the world's most tragic and dangerous diseases, is irrationally opposed by the exact same type of people that often believe in homeopathy.
This is a terrible and pernicious form of technological regression brought about entirely by superstition and cultural factors. We are seeing previously extinct diseases like whooping cough kill children in developed counties where herd immunity has broken down, an entirely avoidable tragedy.
The voice of anti-vaccinationists is so powerful and its support so mainstream, that the inclusion of this item in this list will be seen by some so be politically biased and that the anti-vaccination stance is the other half of the argument that has a right to be heard. But for some arguments, such as whether the earth is round of flat, the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of the scientific consensus. Vaccination is one of those arguments, but unlike flat earthers, the anti-vaccination meme actually kills people.